Conscious Sedation

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    Tue & Mon 11am - 07pm
    Wed & Thu 08am - 04pm
    Fri 08am - 03pm


general-anesthesiaDuring conscious sedation, medication is used to help ease anxiety. Depending on the level of sedation, you can be lightly relaxed, or you can be sedated to the edge of consciousness where you will not be aware of much of the procedure and sights, sounds and smells will be toned out.


There are several reasons why you may choose sedation for yourself for a family member, including:

  • Dental anxiety
  • Pronounced gag reflex
  • Allergies to local anesthesia or difficulty numbing
  • Difficulty cooperating in the dental chair
  • Desired treatment is lengthy


Conscious sedation options include nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral sedation and IV sedation. With these options you normally remain awake during the procedure, whereas with general anesthesia you will be completely asleep. The most effective forms of sedation are the deeper sedation methods, including IV conscious sedation and general anesthesia. However, nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or oral sedation may also be appropriate depending on the severity your anxiety. To learn more about what type of sedation is right for you, schedule a consultation.

child-and-nurseSEDATION FOR KIDS 2+

Dental phobia is a common issue for kids, and can lead to health issues resulting from missed dental care. Sedation completely solves this problem. We have regularly been providing sedation dentistry for children in Mississauga for over 15 years.


Awake or Asleep offers a full range of sedation options and has been regularly providing sedation dentistry in Mississauga for over 15 years. Many other dental offices in Mississauga refer patients to Awake or Asleep specifically for sedation dentistry.


Nitrous oxide is very safe. Mixed with oxygen, you simply breathe it in through a mask covering your nose. You will begin to feel relaxing effects within a few minutes. If you experience light-headedness or tingling sensations it is perfectly normal and nothing to be concerned about. Laughing gas will not cause you to lose consciousness. You will still be aware of the procedure, but anxiety will be relieved. For most procedures you will also receive a local anesthetic that will have a numbing effect, ensuring you feel no pain during your procedure. The effects of nitrous oxide begin to subside soon after the mask is removed. If this is the only form of sedation during your procedure, you will be able to drive yourself home afterwards.


Sedatives used for oral sedation usually come from the family of drugs known as benzodiazepines. You normally remain awake, but may not remember much of what happened. You will need a caregiver to escort you home after the appointment.


With this type of sedation, a sedative medication is administered intravenously. The effects of an IV sedative make you feel very relaxed, safe and comfortable. We sometimes call it “twilight sleep”— you are not fully asleep, but you will be comfortable and won’t feel or recall any discomfort. Intravenous sedation medication works quickly, so you will likely begin to feel at ease and relaxed almost immediately. IV sedation helps you tone out sensory perceptions like sight, sound and even smell. This helps to relax you during any dentistry work that you might normally find upsetting. It is also easier for the dentist to achieve best results when you are totally relaxed. It works especially well for patients with extreme or high gag reflex. Prior to scheduling an appointment for IV sedation, we always arrange for a consultation appointment. We check your medical history, list of medications and address any concerns and questions you might have. Prior to your IV sedation dentistry appointment we will check blood pressure, test oxygen level and pulse to make sure that IV sedation can be done safely and efficiently. During the session, we monitor your vital signs and medication level to assure safety and efficiency. Once the dental work has been completed, you will need a ride home with a friend or a relative. If you are considering IV sedation, you may also want to consider general anesthesia (fully unconcious sedation) as well. Schedule a consultation to discuss your options.